Also, thank you, dear Kaitlyn McQuaid, for taking these lovely photos. Kaitlyn is a talented photographer of food and other things. You really should check out her lemons. She offered to snap pictures of my reception, and I must say, the art and the Ben have rarely looked better. Please excuse the vanity of the first image, she made me a little collage, and I thought it was too nice to not include.
An important note regarding the reflections in a few of these off center detail shots: not the work of Kaitlyn. That's all Ben. The good photos are the ones that deserve a high five.
See? See the quality of these two? The soft focus, the lack of reflections... McQuaid? More like McQuality!
Well, that's about that! It was a great turn out, evenly composed of friends and strangers. Lots of happy faces and great conversations. Isn't that the point of it all, anyhow? Thanks again, all.