
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

That Show I Had, Way Back Whenever...

It was a real hoot! Thanks again to everyone who turned out to drink the drinks and look at my doodles. Special thanks to Nick and everyone at AlleyCat Comics for putting on the lights, the music, and above all, the AIR CONDITIONER.

Also, thank you, dear Kaitlyn McQuaid, for taking these lovely photos. Kaitlyn is a talented photographer of food and other things. You really should check out her lemons. She offered to snap pictures of my reception, and I must say, the art and the Ben have rarely looked better. Please excuse the vanity of the first image, she made me a little collage, and I thought it was too nice to not include.

An important note regarding the reflections in a few of these off center detail shots: not the work of Kaitlyn. That's all Ben. The good photos are the ones that deserve a high five.

See? See the quality of these two? The soft focus, the lack of reflections... McQuaid? More like McQuality!

Well, that's about that! It was a great turn out, evenly composed of friends and strangers. Lots of happy faces and great conversations. Isn't that the point of it all, anyhow? Thanks again, all.


brenna said...

I hope you are signing autographs in that first photo collage!

benrum said...

writing title cards! Last minute detail I completely forgot: titles and prices

MTYMNHKA said...

I hate missing things. This looked so awesome!